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Top 5 Insanely Funny Wedding Poses You Will Want To Try.

I was researching all types of poses for weddings on the web, I mean I went through endless poses (hundreds of poses) for a more than a few hours, on quite a few websites, pinterest and other public websites, and stumbled across a few stunning pictures that every Bride and Groom should have which I will post a top 10 list at a later date, when i came across a few hilarious poses I just had to share, they made me smile and I thought they could help you out with funny ideas. Now I understand you could have done the same and gone through hours of images and more images, but here are my top 5 that I absolutely loved.

#5. I call this one "Going my way stranger". This picture has the wedding party showing some leg. It's cute and sexy when the women do it, however its awkward and funny when the men do it.

#4 "Right side down, or is it the other way around?" This is a fun picture shows the photographer had a good sense of humour to plan this shot out.

#3 "The Mary Poppin's". He either looks like he's flying away or descending from the heavens, you be the judge. Again great planning, especially since it doesn't look like rain.

#2 " The puppet". It really does look like she has him by the collar. Really fun and a great optical illusion.

#1. I call this one "Arrrgggghh, every man for themselves". So much fun, this one really caught my attention. I thought it was pretty well situated, from the right size of the men to how big her foot looks, amazing. Really does look like she going to squish them flat. much fun. I think a bit of humour is perfect for these special moments.

Thank you to the innovative photographers whom took the chance to take funny quirky pictures, you and your subject matter truly bring out the humour in the moment. Amazing.

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